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duminică, 9 noiembrie 2014

History is in the making. What will your history be?

Ouotes from the movie Nowhere Safe:

History teaches us that we can't just dispair. Hope may yet come! Better things may lay ahead! History is in the making. What will your history be? - Teacher Kevin Carlisle

There are people there who love to watch other peole suffer. Loialty fades under pressure and there are few people out there willing to fight for you. But they are out there. My past isn't the end of the world. Better things are in store. I just have to fight for them. So, I am standing up! Enough is enough! I'm not gonna bow down in front of those who get a thrill from watching me suffer. History is what you make of it, so I'm making sure mine is the truth. - Ashley Evans

          Nowhere Safe este un film bun, intrucat are un mesaj puternic. Acest film subliniaza durerea si teama din inima celor care sunt terorizati de altii, care gasesc placere in a intimida si distruge viata celorlalti. Este un film despre Bullying. Este un film in care se pune accent pe faptul ca minciunile se raspandesc mai repede decat adevarul. Daca vrei sa distrugi pe cineva, tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa raspandesti minciuni despre ei, pentru ca acestea sunt crezute mai repede decat adevarul.
          Filmul merita vazut. Il recomand.

2 comentarii:

  1. Interesanta tema!!! Imi fac timp si ma pun si eu sa-l privesc :) Multumesc de recomandare!

  2. Cu placere, draga Liuba! Merita vazut! Mai am inca o recomandare foarte buna in prima postare din luna decembrie 2014. :) Ambele merita vizionate!


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